Our friends Justin and Beth Phillips came to visit us from North Carolina last week. What a blast! The week started out with a visit to Chinatown and Coit Tower

followed by a day visiting wineries in Healdsburg. The weather was perfect, we even did one of our tastings outside. One good thing about Healdsburg is that if you buy a bottle of wine there is no charge for the tasting. Everett Ridge Winery and Mauritson Winery were mommies favorites.

We were all pretty tired from the day at the wineries so on Monday we went to Muir Woods and Sausalito. We called it a short day so that we could rest up for Tuesday. On Tuesday we rode the trolley from San Francisco Center down to Ghirardelli Square. From there we walked to Pier 39, saw the sea lions, and ended the night with dinner at the Pier Market. On Wednesday we headed down to the city again with the intention to walk across the Golden Gate bridge but when we stopped to see the view from the Marin Headlands we decided that it was far too cold to do the walk. After that, we went to the beach, then walked along Haight street, and ended the day with Golden Gate park. Thursday was another relaxing day at home. On Friday mommy and daddy left me with Grandpa and Grandma so they could go to Alcatraz. Mommy and daddy loved it! They thought it was the coolest thing ever!

After touring Alcatraz they headed to Boudin's for a nice warm bowl of clam chowder. Not ready to come and pick me up just yet, they headed to Union street to catch happy hour at Bar None.
Just a few updates on me, I am now 9 1/2 months old. At my 9 month doctor's visit I weighed 22lbs 7 oz and was 28 1/2 inches long. Stay tuned I am growing fast...