Mother's day weekend mommy and daddy went away for four days to North Carolina for Justin and Beth's wedding. This was the first time mommy has spent time apart from me. It was hard being apart but I had fun with grandma. We went over to grandpa Vic and grandma Ellen's house where I got to play with cousin Drew. We spent one night there and the next night at Uncle Mark and Auntie Debbie's house where I got to play with cousins Jordan, Mariah, and Mikayla. Jordan even came over to my house to spend a few nights. Mommy said she missed me soooo much, she couldn't stop thinking about me. She said she had fun at the wedding with daddy though and will probably do another trip before the new baby comes.
With the new baby coming mommy and daddy have to sleep train me. They are going to do it sometime this week. I am a little under the weather right now so as soon as I get better I will be sleeping in my own room. Mommy hopes it doesn't take too long for me to start sleeping through the night because this pregnancy has been making her very tired.
With the new baby coming mommy and daddy have to sleep train me. They are going to do it sometime this week. I am a little under the weather right now so as soon as I get better I will be sleeping in my own room. Mommy hopes it doesn't take too long for me to start sleeping through the night because this pregnancy has been making her very tired.