Yesterday I turned ONE! Mommy probably sang Happy Birthday to me about a million times! We didn't get to do much because I had my one year well check appointment and I got four shots. It wasn't mommy's fault though because the appointment was initially supposed to be on Friday, April 24th but Kaiser called and said that the doctor will be taking that day off. So after my appointment I was pretty tired from my shots so mommy got pizza for lunch and we went home to meet daddy for lunch. After lunch I got to play with my new toy! It's a zebra that you jump on. It's so much fun!!!
Mommy made me a basketball cake.

Good effort mom but I am not a big fan of cake or really sweet desserts.
I would rather a big bowl of fruit. This watermelon was yummy!

Next on the list of things to do is get a haircut. My hair is out of control!