The following weekend we took a trip down to Monterey for the weekend to see beautiful little Hannah Kincaid get baptized. That was the first time we had ever traveled overnight with Anthony. I always knew that there was a lot of stuff to bring with you when you travel with a baby but it seems like you practically have to bring your whole house. It took me nearly two hours to pack myself and Anthony. I think Anthony had more stuff than Billy and me combined!
On the way back from Monterey we went to a Chinese banquet dinner to celebrate the marriage of an old friend. Before dinner, there was a lion dance to wish the couple well. It scared Anthony at first because the instruments being played were extremely loud but he was still very intrigued by the colorful and sparkly lions.
The next weekend we went to a surprise birthday party for my Uncle Vic. It was a very nice party. The food was great and Anthony really enjoyed the music and dancing with all of the ladies especially my Aunt Ellen, she seemed to have the most energy.
The weekend following the party we took it easy. We went to San Francisco and had lunch with Anthony's godmother, Susanna. Anthony always loves his time with Auntie Susanna!
The last weekend of August we took a trip up to visit a friend in Konocti. We took Anthony swimming for the first time! He seemed to enjoy the water just like mommy.
We then headed to Healdsburg for a nice dinner. What a beautiful town. We will definitely visit Healdsburg again.
Swimming really wore Anthony out. It's nap time!!!