Hi family and friends. My apologies for not updating this blog in so long! It's been so long I forgot the password! So let's see...since July of last year a lot has happened... Billy and I moved into a cute little home in Rohnert Park about thirty minutes north of my mother's house.
Our precious little Chloe Ann Elwell was born on December 3, 2009 weighing in at 8lbs. 4oz. and 20 inches long.

Anthony loves to hug and kiss her. He even lets me know when she is crying. He tells me "baby cry."

Anthony is growing up so fast. He can say a lot of words, can count to ten, and even spell DOG. He even knew "mailman" last week! We are working on colors now. So far he knows blue. He surprises me everyday with new words that he knows.
Christmas last year was fun. He understood what presents were and loved opening them. I had to wait until he was asleep to wrap presents. We went to my cousins Vic and Courtney's house. Anthony had a blast there because there were a ton of kids and he had fun with his Uncle Vic dipping strawberries in chocolate! Mmmmmm!!!

Anthony had a little treat this year too because Grandma Elwell came to visit.
He loved the airplane rides with Grandma...

and dipping cookies with Grandma. Now every time he has a cookie he asks for a cup of milk!

We went to visit Ing for her birthday in January and Anthony got to play with his friend Kaeden. Kaeden is only two days older than Anthony. He had so much fun playing with all of Kaeden's toys and Bill and I had a wonderful dinner made by Ing's brother! Yummy! Bill loved the creme bruelee!

Chloe has already changed so much. At her two month visit she was already 12lbs.! Look at her now...

Here is Anthony helping me out by giving baby her pacifier. He is such a good big brother...

Love you all and will do my best to keep you updated!!!