Happy 2009 family and friends!!! 2008 is over and Anthony is already 8 1/2 months old. He is growing so fast! We had a very nice Christmas. It was so much fun watching the kids open presents...
Everyday Anthony learns something new. He can now feed himself and he doesn't say no to anything. He is just like daddy. He will try any and all kinds of food.
Anthony can also crawl up onto our marble floor like a pro. Check out the video below...
and crawl back down too...
He can go up the staircase as well and everyday he gets faster and faster. Now all I have to do is teach him how to go down.
For New Year's, mommy and daddy got the urge to have a little fun themselves. So we all took a trip to Reno and we didn't forget to bring grandma. Grandma and Anthony had a fun time too...
The fun just doesn't stop for baby Anthony. Playdates with his cousin Shelby Lee are a blast. She is such a beautiful little girl, Anthony just adores her.
Nap time... I better rest up for an exciting 2009! I love you all... hugs and kisses!!!