Okay I know it's been awhile since I have updated this blog but life is extremely busy now that Anthony is crawling like crazy. He also loves to stand everywhere. He will grab onto anything to pull himself up. I can't take my eyes off of him for a second. He gets into everything he can get his hands on.

It's amazing how time flies. He will already be eight months old on December 22. He is growing so fast. He doesn't go in for his next doctor's visit until January but I am sure he is pushing 23 lbs. With three teeth and one more piercing through on top he has a hearty appetite.
Anthony's look has changed so much since he was born. At first he looked nothing like mom, he was 100% daddy but now I think he has about 3% mom. He does have his uncle's big eyes...

and I see a lot of little Sammy in him too...

For Halloween, Anthony helped pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Here is my little penguin...

Anthony had his first visit from Santa last weekend and it did not go well. Santa by Sea comes by every year on their boat to take pictures with the kids. Here is mommy and baby waiting anxiously for Santa to float in...

and here is what Anthony thought of Santa...